Charlottesville United for Public Education Community Engager Program
Empower parents, guardians, and other primary caregivers of our most marginalized students with a focus on Black, Brown, and low-income families in Charlottesville to play an active role in their child's education and school community.
Establish a minimum of two dedicated community engagers in each school to facilitate communication between parents, school administration, and local government.
Pilot community engagement program will focus on the City of Charlottesville
Foster collaboration, meaningful dialogue, and feedback to influence positive changes in education policies and practices.
Charlottesville United for Public Education aims to design and implement the Community Engager program to empower parents, guardians, and other caring adults in Charlottesville, Virginia. Our efforts focus especially with community members who don’t feel a sense of belonging or trust within the Charlottesville School system.
Focus Audiences:
The CUPE Community Engagement Initiative is tailored for parents/guardians/other caring adults who are passionate about public education and are eager to connect with their peers about bettering public education as a whole in the city of Charlottesville.
The focus audience for the efforts of the Community Engager and all other Charlottesville United efforts include other decision-makers in Charlottesville including but not limited to: a) students, b) parents/guardians/other caregivers, c) school personnel, d) school board and city council.