Charlottesville United was formed in 2022 on a foundation of volunteer stamina, in-kind contributions, and generous philanthropic support. We have grown as an organization — including hiring staff! — and have big plans for supporting strong public schools in Charlottesville. To meet those goals, we need to build a broad and deep base of financial support. Any amount you, your organization or company can contribute will be put to work building stronger public schools here in Charlottesville.
Click the Donate button below to make an online donation. Make sure you select “Charlottesville United for Public Education” in the “I want my donation to be designated toward” drop-down menu.*
If you would like to discuss other opportunities to support Charlottesville United, please contact us directly at charlotesvilleunited@gmail.com.
*Charlottesville United for Public Education operates under a Joint Plan of Work with Virginia Organizing, which is a 501(c)3 and accepts tax-deductible financial contributions on our behalf. Virginia Organizing is officially registered with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23209. You can write to this Department for all relevant financial statements and procedures regarding the solicitation of contributions. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.