Charlottesville United for Public Education’s Statement on City Council Vacancy

Community members encouraged to push for strong public education supporter to fill seat vacated by Councilor Magill

January 30, 2023 — Last month Sena Magill resigned from Charlottesville City Council, and the current four members will appoint a replacement to serve through this November’s election. While there may be additional opportunities for the community to share their opinions and/or meet the candidates, the next City Council meeting is 6:30 on Monday, February 6 and will include the standard public comment option. Charlottesville Tomorrow has more on the process and the 8 applicants.

The following is the statement of Sandra Aviles-Poe, Community Organizer for Charlottesville United for Public Education:

“Charlottesville United for Public Education applauds those community members who have offered their candidacy to fill the vacant seat and thanks Councilor Sena Magill for her service. Councilor Magill’s perspective as a parent and her willingness to listen and find creative solutions, alongside her support for funding the renovation of Buford Middle School as part of Charlottesville City Schools’ “reconfiguration,” made her a strong advocate for our students. We strongly urge current Councilors to select an interim Councilor who will champion our public schools.

Throughout 2022, the Charlottesville community spoke loud and clear in support of more funding, resources, and overall attention to Charlottesville’s public schools. Ongoing transportation, safety, and budget issues facing Charlottesville City Schools underscore the need for real leadership from City Council to ensure our schools and our students have the resources they need.

Charlottesville United for Public Education looks forward to working with City Council this year to bring the long-deferred vision of reconfiguration to life. We're eager to work closely with all Councilors to strengthen not just our school infrastructure but the overall quality of public education in our community.”